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U.S.A. Historical Documents:
250Years America's Founding public fb page
The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, between the States were agreed to, Saturday November 15, 1777. It was:
Ordered, That the committee appointed to revise and arrange the articles ∥of confederation,∥ have three hundred copies printed and lodged with the secretary, to be subject to the future orders of Congress; and that the articles of confederation, as now agreed to, be entered on the journal.
Another important resolve was:
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to collect and digest the late useful discoveries for making molasses and spirits from the juice of corn stalks, and report a plan for communicating the said discoveries to the inhabitants of the several states. (1)
A letter would be drafted to send it to the various states. It would be put into effect, with Maryland, the 13th state ratifying it. March 1, 1781, the Articles of Confederation established the Congress of the Confederation.
(1) Journals of the Continental Congress --SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15,...